
Rebecca Rea

Expressing life, love and spirit through creativity

We are by our very Nature creative. 

We become, we blossom, we return to the Earth, we become again.

Hello, thank you for viewing my artwork.  I am a self-taught artist who celebrates the use of colour, free expression and the unique rawness of spontaneity.

As well as having an online presence, I have exhibited over the years at The Bear Steps Gallery, Shrewsbury UK -  my next exhibition being April 14th-27th 2024 and I am featured in The World of Interiors' Artistic Impressions journal April, May, June 2024. 

I also offer facilitation/coaching to others using creative expression as a form of self-growth, self-healing, to unblock if they feel stuck in their own practice, or just for fun.

My other passions are sharing my extensive experience as an intuitive energy/spiritual healing for animals and people, and my commitment to increasing biodiversity through rewilding.  I also love teaching meditation and am a trauma informed therapist.

I express my creative voice by minimising the role my mind and thoughts play in determining an image, and instead, I choose to allow energies, intuition and emotions to move through me.  These energies enter into the world via my creative expression, whether that is in painting, writing or singing and the form that they take is very often unknown to me until it exists.  This makes the creative process exciting and curious for me and the viewer as my paintings can be full of Beings, shapes, and manifestations that seem to appear, whichever way the viewer chooses to look at them and hang them. 

If you wish to read more about my other services too please take a look here :-)



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